Our People

The people who make SPHERE happen and accountable - information about the organisations and perspectives we represent - at country and global levels!


Meet Our Team

SPHERE has multiple governance structures to keep ourselves active and accountable.

We have a Core Committee consisting of representatives from the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) for UHC2030, the World Health Organization (WHO), and The George Institute for Global Health (TGI), as well as country-specific members. Currently, country-specific members represent The Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) Vietnam, Health NGOs Network (HENNET) of Kenya, as well as Fundación Huésped of Argentina. 

The Core Committee makes decisions to guide the Secretariat which is comprised of TGI India and Management Sciences for Health (which represents CSEM for UHC 2030).

Core Committee

Amy Boldosser-Boesch

Management Sciences for Health

picture of Carmen Ryan

Carmen Ryan

Fundación Huésped

David Peiris

The George Institute for Global Health

Eliana Monteforte

Eliana Monteforte

Global Health Council

Justin Koonin


Kurt Frieder

Fundación Huésped

Lara Brearley

World Health Organisation

Linh Thuy Nguyen

Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives

Margaret Lubaale

Health NGOs’ Network

Nguyen Thi Kim Dung

Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives

Patricia Owira

International Centre for Reproductive Health Kenya

Ruth Warutumo

Health NGOs' Network (HENNET)


Claudia Selin Batz

The George Institute for Global Health

Devaki Nambiar

The George Institute for Global Health

Neymat Chadha

The George Institute for Global Health

Shraddha Mishra

The George Institute for Global Health

Waiswa Nkwanga

Management Sciences for Health

Friends of SPHERE

Emma Feeny

The George Institute for Global Health

Dheepa Rajan

World Health Organization